Terms & Conditions

By registering, I am confirming not to use the service to accept/send payments in connection with unlawful businesses, business activities or business practices according to Element Payment Solutions’ policy as follows:

Prohibited Business

Adult Entertainment, Agency, and Pornography

Bar/Strip Club

Arm Dealer

Hazardous chemical substance

Illegal Drugs

Business related to Pirate goods, Counterfeit, Unauthorized Products, and Intellectual Property


Platform related to Lottery, Online Gambling, and Lucky Draw

Wildlife Conservation

Illegal Service and Advertisement

Ponzi Scheme Business

Bearer Share Company

Multi-Level Marketing

Shell Company/Shell Bank

Human Trafficking Agency

High Risk Business

Massage Parlor

Dating Service

Modelling Agency

Drug and Medicine

Herbal Agency


Sex Tonic

Weight Loss Pills

Antiques, Arts, Amulet Dealer

Pawn Shop

Cryptocurrency, Crowdfunding

Private Investigator and Bodyguard

Precious Metals, Jewelry, Gold and Stones Dealer

Digital Currency Providers, Digital Token, or similar

Tour Agency

And I am confirming that I provide the following information on my platform:

Business Policy (Cancellation, refunds, returns, or shipping)

Privacy Policy according to Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act

Merchant’s contact information (company name, phone number, email and address) displayed on merchant’s platform

Product details and price display with checkout form

I accept that Element Payment Solutions has the rights to suspend or terminate my account if I fail to comply with all terms and conditions and I represent that all information provided are accurate, complete, correct and updated information, I represent that I am an authorized director and/or person who has legal power to create an account.

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